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A low rate of inter-observer agreement was collected (10% of observations), and observers were not blind to the experimental conditions. The fairly low sustainability may be an indication of the need for a school-wide support structure such as SWPBS for maintenance of evidence-based practices. The use of this and other group contingency interventions are recommended as efficient, relatively easy to implement, and low cost procedures to improve on-task behaviors. In summary, the CW-FIT group contingency including direct instruction of appropriate classroom behavior improved class-wide on-task behavior. Teachers found the intervention helpful for improving students’ on-task behavior and for increasing their praise and positive interactions with students. The instruments’ items reflect what many would consider good management practices (e.g., students are compliant and on-task during instruction, lessons are structured, transitions are short, specific and frequent praise is provided). CW-FIT implementation reduced the occurrence to 5, or about once every 4 minutes, and given the increase in praise and points, dramatically improved the ratio of praise to reprimands to a level more in line with recommended best practices (Horner & Sugai, 2005; Sutherland, Wehby, & Yoder, 2002). It is possible that reprimands were used with less frequency due to decreased behavior problems

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The CW-FIT intervention in this study focused on increasing attention to appropriate behavior (Ervin, Miller, & Friman, 1996; Kelshaw-Levering et al., 2000; Thorne & Kamps, 2008) rather than on attention to negative behavior or the use of response cost as indicated in some group contingencies (Davies & Witte, 2000; Maggin et al., 2012). Increased frequencies of attention to appropriate behaviors by teachers participating in CW-FIT, through use of praise and point delivery, were similar to increases in the prior CW-FIT studies (Kamps et al., 2011; Wills et al., 2010). This study showed baseline praise and attention to appropriate behavior frequencies of 3-4 during 20-min observation periods or a rate of about once every 5-7 minutes. The SWPBS intervention team promoted maintenance of the CW-FIT intervention, recruitment of new teachers and students who would benefit from intervention, and consistent monitoring of outcomes independent of the researchers (Abbott, Wills et al., 2008). In addition, SWPBS promotes use of prosocial skills and appropriate classroom behavior. A related unique feature was the collection of fidelity data across all conditions and for intervention and comparison classrooms; a weakness in the group contingency literature (Maggin et al., 2012). The high levels of fidelity quality and the large number of observations (over 3,150 total, see measures) show the effectiveness of teacher training and confirm a relationship between the independent variable (CW-FIT procedures) and the dependent variable (class-wide on-task behavior)

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