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By maolibox

Are you trying to lose weight? Have you tried all the diets out there and are fed up of seeing no results? Well that’s totally normal, because diets DON’T WORK! Stop trying, it won’t work.

When you are following a strict diet, you are depriving your body from some foods it’s used to be consuming. Some foods are good to avoid, for example all the fried food and very sweet desert. But we are not talking about this, we are talking about depriving your body from: carbs, healthy fats, healthy sugars, etc. If you decide to follow one of those famous diets like the Keto, you will notice that it consists of cutting all carbs and sweets from your diet.

If you are not enjoying your diet, you won’t be able to maintain this lifestyle very long. Eating eggs, meat, avocados and no carbs constantly might become boring and unpleasant on the long run. The problem with diets is that they are not fun nor pleasant to be doing. Everybody likes to enjoy a slice of cake or pizza once in a while. It’s just a matter of finding a balance in your eating and training habits. You need to find a routine that you enjoy, no matter if it’s for a week or for life.

Health is not a short term goal, it’s a life time goal
Being healthy is a journey of a lifetime. If you are hoping to be able to get fit and healthy by doing a one month diet, you have the wrong mindset. The first thing to realize when it comes to fitness and nutrition, is that it’s not a short term thing that you do for a short period of time. A lot of people think: "When I’m fit I’ll be able to eat the things I like again". But that’s not the way it works. The first step is to change your mindset and think like this instead: "I am ready to take care of my body and health everyday for the rest of my life". When you finally realize that fitness and nutrition are a lifetime deal, your mindset will be forever changed and you will understand the importance of not falling into the dieting trap.

The second step is to set some realistic goals. Your first goal will be to plan at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week. And your second goal to find balance in your eating habits.

You might be thinking "Wow! 150 minutes per week, that’s insane!" But think about it, if you manage to train for 20-15 minutes everyday, you easily attain the 150 minutes per week. Everybody can fins 20 minutes in their day to take care of their physical health. What I personally do is 20-30 minutes of home training every morning, and when I have enough energy, I train at the gym in the evening. By doing this I reach my 150 minutes of physical activity every week and I don’t lose my motivation because 20 minutes of workout from home is very fast and doesn’t require any transportation time. Moreover, getting your workout done in the morning insures that you are going to do it. When you save it for the evening, it’s possible that you won’t do it because you are too tired because of work or because you have some unexpected things that come up last minute.

In term of nutrition, the most important thing is to be aware of your portions. A lot of people focus on the content of their meals, but you should definitely be focusing on the container. Chose some containers of the size of the palm of your hand. This will ensure that you don’t overeat. Personally, I have a hard time to listen to my stomach. So when I eat, I usually eat the whole plate, even if I’m not hungry anymore. This is why I always measure my portions, otherwise I end up eating too much. Don’t deprive yourself, carbs are good to eat, especially complex carbs and unrefined carbs (like brown rice, barley, quinoa, etc). Try to avoid bleached flour and white rice.

The conclusion is that you need to be consistant, balanced and to keep track of what you are doing. Track your workouts, write it down when you go train and be specific about what you did, example: 20 minutes of high intensity cardio + 25 minutes of bodybuilding. Prepare your meals ahead of time. Take some time at least twice a week to prepare your meals. Especially your lunch! When you don’t prepare your lunch in advance, the thing that is most likely to happen is that you will starve and eat whatever you will find, which often times won’t be healthy nor nutritious.

If you follow those simple tips and tricks, you will see a difference for sure. Don’t forget that anything you want to change in life requires time, effort and patience. It’s okay to move at a slow pace, you will still see results. When we try to go fast and skip steps, we tend to fall. It’s better to build a strong and long lasting routine that we can sustain over a long period of time than trying to reach our goal too fast with diets that will lead us nowhere good.